Once you have decided that information security is important, the next logical question is how many staff do you need to run a successful security program, and what will their roles and responsibilities be.

Setting up a security organization is no easy task. On the one hand, you will need enough staff to keep you secure; on the other hand, there is a risk of overspending. Security can quickly become expensive.

AmanIT believes that security doesn’t have to be expensive. Quite the opposite: security should save you money. Having qualified staff means you get more out of your security equipment which lowers the need to upgrade or replaces them. Good staff is also able to detect attacks quicker, and can help prevent costly attacks.

We will evaluate your current security posture and tailor a best-fit security model that will leverage your current staff, and if needed, suggest expanding the team to fill up possible gaps. We will help you draft clear and concise job descriptions, assist with the recruitment process to hire the best candidates, and we can define daily tasks for the security staff so they know exactly what is expected from them.